A Mini Guide on How to Heal your life, your body,
using the power of emotions to heal your body and your life.

Click here to download a copy of the Emotional Processing Technique.
If you would like to purchase any sessions, please visit the sessions page for a list of sessions I’m currently offering.

What is an emotion?

Emotion is energy or it can be described as “Energy in Motion”.  Emotions are our paintbrush to paint our canvas of life.  Emotions are our friend and they are how we express our energy.  Emotions show us where something is out of alignment with our true nature, when we’re suffering, and keeps us on track by signaling when we need to check in with our heart.  Emotions are our guide.  We use the energy of emotions, expressed through our physical bodies, to manifest our intentions.  Through our conditioning, most of us have learned ways to repress, hide, or set aside our emotions.  Suppressing our emotions causes illness in the physical body. Emotions trigger, thoughts which trigger more emotions; this is an endless loop that causes us suffering and when we get caught up in it, we dive deeper into the rabbit hole.

Use your Emotions (Energy) as a tool.

One of the most empowering things we can do is be aware of how we respond emotionally to what is happening in our life.  Our response is really the only thing that we have control over. If we are being triggered emotionally by something (being upset, hurt, angry, depressed, withdrawn), we will now have the opportunity to clear this emotion.  Anytime we are triggered by something emotionally it is always something from our past, never from the present.

There are two types of emotion: Love and Fear.

Draw a line and write “love” on one side and “fear” on the other.  Under the “love” category write joy, happiness, peace, compassion, freedom, allowance, acceptance, willingness, support, confidence, playful, worthy, and trust.  On the “fear”side write anger, guilt, sad, rage, resentment, anxiety, depression, hurt, shame, sabotage, abandonment, unworthiness and betrayal.  We express or suppress our emotional energy choosing love or fear.  Each day we make thousands of choices based on love or fear.

Are we choosing loving emotions, or fearful emotions?  Notice how you are feeling right now and put a word to it.  If you are feeling a fear-based emotion, ask yourself why am I feeling this way?

What happens when an emotion gets expressed?

When an energy/emotion gets expressed, it moves. Energy is fluid.  When an energy/emotion gets suppressed it causes stress in the body and can cause physical pain and serious illness.  Think about when we are angry and how we hold that energy in our body and where we hold it.  Ask where am I feeling this in my body?  Negative emotions that are felt and released is natural healing. Feeling the pain is healing it.

Beliefs and emotions shape our reality.

Our beliefs and our emotions determine how we shape our reality.  We manifest our desires with our emotions and our beliefs.  Through conditioning most of us have learned ways to repress, hide, or set aside our emotions.  Emotions trigger thoughts which trigger more emotions. These thoughts are attached to a belief that we no longer resonate with and that wants to make itself known to us.  A simple self-inquiry will break the endless cycle which is easy to get caught up in.

So what to do with Emotions (Energy).

Do we hide our feelings and emotions?  Do we feel like it isn’t safe to share our feelings fully and truthfully with others.

We have to be willing to go in and feel it. Feeling it is healing it. We have to be willing to feel the discomfort. When an emotion is expressed, it naturally moves through and creates space for new things to come into our life. If we are willing to take ownership for what we are feeling, we will empower ourselves right before our eyes.

Emotions are our tool for liberation.

Using our emotions as a tool for clearing old wounds is a simple yet very powerful technique.  Every time we  experience a negative emotion, we have the opportunity to claim another part of us into wholeness and joy.  The key here is to acknowledge our feelings. We are the only ones who can do something about how we feel.  Are we expecting our partner to acknowledge how we feel?  Are we being this attentive with ourselves?  This process will empower us to be response-able for our own feelings and takes us out of a victim role.  Just think about this:  who’s responsible for the anger we feel anyway?  If we are pointing the finger at anyone else, we are giving our power away to them or the situation.  Take ownership now and claim our power.  Own our feelings, all of them.

How men and women have been conditioned.

When we suppress our emotions, they are amplified through a continuous feedback cycle.  I find this conditioning to be true for a lot of men in our society. They have been raised and conditioned not to show their feelings, to suppress their emotions and feelings, not connecting to their heart space mainly because of the belief system that says it is not normal for a man to cry or show his feelings.  The opposite is true. When we show our feelings and process our emotions, it makes us stronger and honors us.  Men have also been conditioned to suck it up, get on with it, and be strong.  Men have feelings and need to express them, maybe not as emotional as women, but men do like to talk about their feelings.  Unexpressed emotions can lead to rage, wars, violence, physical illness, and all kinds of behaviors that are destructive.

Women, who by nature are very emotional beings, have been conditioned to not show their feelings and put on a good face.  Be strong, do not cry, it’s not safe to express and share our feelings with each other.  Unexpressed emotions in women can cause depression, powerlessness, victimization, anger, rage, and physical illness in the body.  This has also caused women to deny their own power and strength.

What is processing

Processing is a form of self-inquiry—a way of looking at our egoic self.  “Ego” refers to the personality structure, which results from childhood and worldly conditioning.  The term “to process” means to examine and to inquire deeply into the nature of our conditioned and unbalanced egoic programming with the intention of moving our awareness into balance and truth.  We process our consciousness in order to become clear and ultimately to find our wholeness.”
~Leslie Temple-Thurston~

What is Emotional Processing?

It’s a process to help us learn to talk to ourselves every time we get triggered.  The key is to clear our emotions on a daily basis. When we do we will notice how much more joyful we are and how simple feeling our feelings really can be.  Yes, it’s also painful but that is part of being human.  Every situation in life and every experience is there to give us the opportunity to release old negative feelings and to communicate our truth. Taking ownership for everything that shows up will set us free on the path of emotional liberation.

How many core wounds are there?

There are really only a handful of core emotional wounds that are attached to beliefs we have about ourselves. Do we keep repeating the same patterns and having the same experiences over and over again? It’s critical that we are in Emotional Balance when we are creating. Our beliefs and emotions have to be congruent with each other to manifest what we desire. We might identify with one or more of these emotions: · Abandonment · Betrayal · Unworthy/not good enough · Shame (the ugliest one). We have been conditioned to feel shameful all our lives. Think about how many times we have been told as a child, or an adult for that matter, to be ashamed of ourselves. Other core wounds: Survival needs,  Victim/Savior, Separation from God/Source.

How to heal the core wounds?

We keep repeating the same patterns and are having some of the same experiences over and over again.  It’s critical that we are in emotional balance; feeling neutral or experiencing bliss.  Our beliefs and emotions have to be congruent with each other to manifest our intentions.  Through my own emotional work and work with others, I have experienced and cleared all core wounds on this list.  I have never met anyone that had more than 1 or 2 core issues.

You might identify with one or more of these emotions::

  • Abandonment
  • Betrayal
  • Unworthy/not good enough
  • Shame (the ugliest one)
    We have been conditioned to feel shameful all our life.  Think about how many times you have been told as a child, or an adult, to be ashamed of yourself.
  • Survival needs
  • Victim/Savior
  • Separation from God/Source

To best clear these core wounds, they have to be felt and cleared out of the emotional body.  These wounds can be very painful to feel, but it will pass.  Emotion is an energy and once it is felt and expressed, it moves through, creating space for more vitality and light to enter.  Feeling it is healing it.  Take comfort in knowing we can release this wound once and for all.  I have found that being a victim has never caused me to feel deep emotional pain; however, being a victim is also a core wound that needs to be addressed.

Every event is neutral.

Every event is neutral. This is our natural state.  If we get triggered, it is always an issue from the past that needs to be addressed, felt, and acknowledged.  This is part of an old wound that is crying out for us to love it, release it, and let it go.

When our buttons are pushed.

If we are being triggered emotionally by something or someone, we are likely feeling upset, angry, hurt, withdrawn, or depressed.  That is our first clue to pay attention to how we feel.

Now we have the perfect opportunity to clear this emotion/feeling.  Know this:  anytime we are emotionally triggered by something, it is always, always something from our past.  It is never from the present moment.  If we did not have a wound there, or feel an emotional charge there, we would not feel that much pain or anger.  Think about when we are angry, where do we hold that energy in the body?  Should we change how we feel?  First, there is no “should”.  We cannot change how we feel. How we feel is how we feel.  This needs to be honored and acknowledged no matter what.

“Appreciate your triggers.  Appreciate what and whom triggers you. 

How to accept responsibility for your emotions.

First, by choosing to have the ability to respond.

Secondly, stop blaming, projecting, and judging others.  Stop pointing the finger at them, saying they are doing this to us which just keeps us in the victim role.  When we accept responsibility for our own feelings, we will share all of ourselves from a non-judgmental, empowered, space. Can you imagine what would happen on earth if everyone took responsibility for how they felt with every single emotion deposited onto this earth like trash.  One of the most empowering things we can do is to accept responsibility for how we react.  Stop the cycle.

My intention here is to offer you this simple yet very effective empowerment tool that you can use on a daily basis to clear yourself and transform issues very fast if you are willing to be conscious and feel your emotions (energy) fully, accept responsibility for your own feelings, and stop reacting to what triggers you and projecting it out on someone or something else.  This is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself; choose to use your emotions as a tool to clear and liberate yourself into wholeness.  “YOU” are your own “Guru”and nobody else can do this for you.

How to cope with your emotions and anger.

We need to know how to cope and how to express our energy.  Do we deny or suppress our emotions (saying we’re fine, but feel like exploding)?  Do we choose to hold on to it and not express it?  Do we carry it around like the weight of the world is on our back?  Are we feeling really tired all the time?  Do we dump on another or blame someone else for how we feel?  Knowing the answer to these questions will give insight into how we work with the energy.  How do we express our energy?

When we get emotional, what do we usually do?

Do we hide our feelings and emotions?  Do we feel like it isn’t safe to share our feelings fully and truthfully with others?

What is our coping strategy?  Do we go shopping, eat or overeat, drink or do drugs, clean the house, or be really busy to avoid looking at what we are feeling?  Do we go to the gym and exercise like crazy, or go back to work so we don’t have to think (feel) about what’s up for us. There any number of things we can do to avoid ourselves.

What to do with our emotions.

We have to be willing to go in and feel the pain.  Feeling it is healing it.  Is it going to be uncomfortable?  Yes, it is.  We have to be willing to feel the discomfort and the pain.  When we do, the emotion has been felt and expressed, it naturally moves through now and creates space for new things to come into our lives.  If we are willing to take ownership for what we are feeling, we will empower ourselves right before our eyes.  Our lives are about to change from being a victim to being a powerful co-creator.  Are we ready to become the powerful persons we are?

Responsibility meaning the ability to respond… What is Emotional Processing?

Click here to download the processing technique. This is what I use on myself and my clients.  Once we learn how to process,  it becomes our golden ticket to liberation.  Make a commitment to accept responsibility for how we feel and for what shows up in our experience as our creation. We can also watch a video here as I take someone through the process.

Get yourself a witness.

In the beginning when we are just getting started, get ourselves a witness to cry to, talk to, or vent to.  It is so important to get the energy out, to scream, jump up and down, get mad, get angry, or vent.  Knowing we are clearing is part of the therapy. We would not want to stay in the story and repeat the same thing over and over again.  Just be really present and get everything out.  Who can be our witness?  A really good friend we trust, or someone who can hold the space.  Set this up ahead of time and communicate to the witness what we need the witness to do.  We do not want to go to someone who can’t stand to see us cry or who will tell us everything is going to be fine.  The most important thing is that we get to express all of our energy and the witness simply witnesses.

How to be a witness.

Listen, Listen Listen!  Do not try to fix them or the situation, and do not multitask.  Sit and allow them to express their pain/emotion/energy.  Don’t try to tell them what to do, or try to comfort them.

Offer your full presence; everyone wants to get gotten.  Hold a non-judgmental, compassionate space.  Allow them to express/cry and get it all out, to move all the energy out.  Then you can ask questions such as:  How does that make you feel?  (click here for the processing technique questions)

Daily processing.

Once we begin clearing our emotions on a daily basis, we will notice how much more joyful we are and how simple it really is to feel your feelings.  We will begin to notice when we are feeling off and ask ourselves why we are feeling off?  What is this about for us?  Checking in with ourselves will result in  feeling powerful and free.  Every situation in our life and every experience is there by our creation.  Taking ownership for everything that shows up puts us on the path to emotional liberation and freedom.

Happy processing and thank you for the work you are doing on yourselves. This will ripple out and affect everyone.

How to heal the core wounds? 

Feeling it is healing it.  Feel to heal.  In order to heal a core wound, choices must be made that will counteract a particular wound, and it is from this perspective that one is then able to make choices that reflect the exact opposite—then embody these choices. The ultimate goal is to move beyond duality into wholeness. It is from the place of wholeness that a person is able to stop thinking in terms of black or white, right or wrong, and, through neutrality, to begin living in a space where there is nothing to fix, where the only thing necessary is to heal and become whole.

Releasing feelings is the key: by releasing feelings of abandonment, not feeling good enough, feelings of betrayal or other negative feelings in your relationship, you are stepping into that wiser part of yourself, knowing that you are learning from all that has happened. This is the place of emotional power. 

If we feel:



Unworthy/not good enough



Separation from God/Source

We want to feel:



Worthy (You were born worthy)

Abundance and flow


Oneness and Unity