What do you do for a living?
I am a co-creator of Heaven on Earth.
Thank you all for being my teachers and friends in our co-creation of Heaven on Earth.
I am the founder of Empower Network.
I’m living a happy life, regardless of the outside world.
I remind my clients “AGAIN” to chooseahappylife…. to choose “AGAIN” and to use their free will to flip the slavery/victim/savior paradigm in leaving this Universe behind. And now to choose “AGAIN” the Universe of their choice, where the Empowered Self, the Sovereign Self, the Soul Self, the Self-Realized Self, the Self-Actualized human lives with other empowered, fearless humans so they can live in peace. We call this place the City of Love. It was created inside, online as The Daily Practice.
Open the door to your inner world. Know yourself.
Knowing the self is the highest knowledge.
Connect deeper with Kornelia’s online global tribe of like-minded community.
We connect to nourish the mind, body, and soul.
Each person holds that energy within their body. They know this. They practice this daily.
Learn more here…
The Daily Practice ~ Monday to Friday
Learn to strive for your emotions and thoughts to be aligned with love and peace in every NOW moment. By practicing 10 minutes daily, you’ll see a shift towards positivity, while learning how to release & let go of all negativity: We practice living in daily gratitude. A loving space for Integrative Unity, and a sacred space for a global interactive online community.
Other things I do is:
I position consultants to leverage podcasting and video marketing to grow their brand to scale 7 figures within a year.
What’s your status?
I’m in love.
What’s your background?
The Setup Was Brilliant.
The Script: To create Heaven on Earth.
To return to love and peace, to live in freedom, to embody unconditional love for self and all, to offer self-acceptance, and create Paradise on Earth.
The Challenge: To transcend suicide.
To heal the emotional core wounding, to overcome self-hatred, to transcend ‘lack of consciousness’ by releasing all ‘poverty programs’ that the early conditioning had embedded. and to release the ‘artificial slave matrix’ out of my body and releasing myself from the Inner Prison being mirrored to me by the outside world. To let go of my addictions and retire ‘the victim’ after waiting a long time for someone to save me before I realized that my savior was already here.
What’s your culture?
I was born and raised in Germany. I came to America as a young, naive, and very scared thirteen year old girl.
Today I call myself a Galactic Citizen.
What are your personality traits?
I’m fun, disciplined, and so excited for what’s to come.
What is the Landscape of the New Earth?
We become what we focus on. We become what we believe.
Living and holding within yourself the 5th-Dimensional Consciousness; the divine feminine and sacred divine masculine; holding this energy in unity and sovereignty with compassion.
This is the landscape of the New Earth.
Your turn…
Who are you?
What’s your name?
What do you do for a living?
What’s your status?
What’s your culture?
What are your personality traits?