How are you feeling these days? I was thinking about you and wondering how you are processing all the sadness and trauma we are witnessing in our world today.
What I have learned through processing my Emotions and walking intimately with my shadow, and the shadow of the collective is that all must be embraced, being willing to look at what is there and bring our love too it.
Not to ignore it, or be in resistance to what is. But hold a compassionate space without judgment for healing. What I have learned is Grieving is the most powerful healing modality. Feeling to heal the imbalance and being at one with the energy is what God’ does, is what love does and is who we are. There is no separation. That has been the illusion.
It takes much presence to deal with all this pain, to deal with the many injustices that we have lived with for far too long. I am sorry that we lost George Floyd. At the same time, I am grateful that we are now forced to feel, to heal, and to take a look at the deep-seated racism that still keeps us divided as a human race.