To help us co-create our new world throughout February, I’ve created a Daily Blueprint. You can print it out in PDF form and, of course, I’d love for you to add your own Daily Wisdom to it.
Hi clients, friends and superstars,
- Where do you belong?
- Are you being good to yourself?
- How does your friendship with yourself need to be?
- Are you living up to what you said you would do? Will YOU?
- Are you ready to raise the bar within yourself?
- What’s your grand vision for humanity
- What makes you the happiest?
- Do you honor your values?
- How do you organize your goals?
- How do you see society?
- How do you see the world organization?
- Who will you be?

We will need to focus on the essentials in order to avoid making errors due to a tendency to accelerate when, in reality, slowing down is the best option.
February 1, 2021
What matters most is who we become. We are the Pioneers of the Land. Feeling is the language of the soul. Feel your way forward, as you plant your Seeds of Gratitude in the foundation of the land. What seeds are you planting that will surely yield you/us a harvest of beautiful abundance? What are you seeding?
February 2, 2021
The perfect day to practice living in No-Time. Bring your energy into the Eternal NOW. Remember, 450 years ago we did not live by clocks. We lived our lives by Sunrise and Sunset. What wisdom would you like to add here on this day that will help us all raise our vibration?
February 3, 2021
Let go of any thoughts, habits, and patterns that do not serve your Truth so you can be Free & Sovereign Beings… Super Beings, living the Truth of who we are and in Harmony with the Earth. What’s your favorite ‘forgiveness practice’?
February 4, 2021
It’s great to get together and organize and to share resources with others. What resources do you have that are fun and easy for you to share? As you can see I love writing and I love sharing, I love giving all the positive energy to our community. If you are looking for community you can join us here. Subscribe to my membership here.
February 5, 2021
No matter what the outside world is doing, be a Tower of Power in your own life. Listening, sensing, feeling, and intuiting are only a few of your many Superpowers. The goal is to raise our consciousness and grow… Evolving Peace.
February 6, 2021
One small step towards… your health, your abundance, your business, your relationships, your world. This is forward movement. One step is all it takes. Be patient. What makes you the happiest?
February 7, 2021
It matters which consciousness that you approach your destiny and your challenges with. Allow me to remind you of just how well-equipped you are and how magnificent you are. #Truth Are you living up to what you said you would do? Will you?
February 8, 2021
Raise your daily quota of sharing your intelligence with the world. You are Light. Shine bright, like a diamond.
What do you want to grow creatively?
February 9, 2021
Do you know the value of “BE-ING”? How about “being yourself” and enjoying it? Be still, listen, and know who you are.
Are you being good to yourself? What’s your top tip to change a bad habit?
February 10, 2021
Remember that there are so very many folks with whom you delight in by inhaling all that Love, all that Truth. You are amazing. I love you. Cast the emptiness from your arms to the space we breathe: perhaps the birds will sends the increase of air with more passionate flying.~ Rainer Maria Rilke
February 11, 2021
If we all decide to become better listeners within all of our conversations, we can heal any divisions in our relationships. “The Action” is ‘choosing to be curious’. We live in an Electrical Universe. Choose words that are in alignment with your True Nature. #Better listeners make better communicators. What’s your grand vision for humanity?
February 12, 2021
This is an excellent time to connect with nature and be in harmony with the Mother. What seeds are you planting in your Inner Garden that will guarantee your harvest of the Rich Love and Abundance that you so deserve? Are you still dancing? Are you still laughing?
February 13, 2021
We take one step up the spiral staircase of Love and Unity in our movement forward. We are patient with this movement. There is no hurry, there is no rush… only grounded and deliberate steps in this motion forward. Slowing down is the best option. Listening to our Intuition will lead us to the next step. Where is your Intuition guiding you?
February 14, 2021
We are changing. We are evolving. When you are feeling low from the currents of your reality, remember that your love and determination will transcend anything with your great willingness to grow and evolve. How are we going to organize ourselves? How do you organize your goals?
February 15, 2021
Self Regulation ~ I trust that my own Internal Rhythm is ‘The Alignment’. Remember the Truth of who you are in the JOY of Self-Discovery! It is JOYFUL when you remember your magnificence!
Will you accept yourself? …with all of your flaws (warts and all), if you have any? Being Yourself is what we want from You! What’s your vision?
February 16, 2021
Catalyzing ~ Challenges help us grow. Connect with other realms and with nature. Love is… not avoiding something that might feel painful to you. Love is wild. Love is fresh and free to roam. Love heals all. What does Love mean to you?
Share with us here on social media. text me @ 360-941-5783.
February 17, 2021
Allow your heart to lead, instead of your mind. When one is feeling deeply in touch with one’s own feelings, we have choices in deciding which ones we know our bodies love to feel. Which feelings does your body love to feel?
February 18, 2021
Remember your innocence. You have so much value in just being Yourself. Your value cannot be measured. Thank you for being the amazing SUPPORT person that you are. I really appreciate you and your devotion to Love, no matter what. You totally rock!
February 19, 2021
Thank You for breathing life into your passions and into your creations.
Thank You for being who you are, Earth Angel. Breathing three deep breaths right now, in the Eternal Now, is grounding you. By being Self-Luminous, you cause everything to shine! Delighting in your form, you fill the Universe with delight! Rocking with your own bliss, you make the world dance with JOY!
~ Utpaladeva 900-950 AD
February 20, 2021
My theme for the year is to be a better listener… really listening to what people say and holding the space for them to share their point of view. This is a perfect time to listen with your senses and listen to what is being revealed.
“Tell me more” is what I am asking you. What is your theme for the year? What are you practicing to become better at?
February 21, 2021
#Chooseahappylife ~ We all have choices. We can choose to rise above and to love in the midst of chaos. We can choose either Love or Fear. Choice, our most wonderous gift, is our freedom to decide once again and not lie in bed at night losing sleep over choices we have made or not made.
February 22, 2021
As World Events unfold, we DO have what it takes to heal by keeping our hearts open and by not allowing our hearts to become calcified-over by these current events. We were made for these times. Love Source, Love Yourself, and Love Others with everything you’ve got!
We are ONE. We can transcend anything with our Love.
February 23, 2021
We can transcend anything with our Love.
Rumi says, “Out beyond wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Our perceptions become our experience.
If we change our perception we change our projection. Change your self identity. Love heals all.
February 24, 2021
Who AM I? Why am I here? I remember the Truth of who I am. We are children of God. Divine Sons and Daughters of God. We remember that we are at one with God and that there is no separation. We are sovereign… we are free.
When a baby is born, it doesn’t have to do anything to prove its value and wholeness. It doesn’t have to earn anything, achieve anything, or strive for anything. The value of BEING is enough!
February 25, 2021
We remember that the recipe for love is Intuition…
I intuit, I sense, I feel. I know, I trust, I love… I AM.
The Age of Aquarius is blessing our Earth and its inhabitants with a breath of fresh air. This Air element will dominate over the next 200 years. It’s time for the fresh, new beginnings that will restore and rebalance Life on Earth.
February 26, 2021
It becomes an enjoyable thing to self-regulate, to correct oneself, to begin again… to feel the way forward and to use our feelings as a guide. I champion Humanity’s Sovereignty to be the authority of your life, as an empowered creation.
February 27, 2021
Devoted to the Light, devoted to Love, devoted to Peace, devoted to Life.
When you see the Divine in everything, they who love themselves as they love the world can be entrusted with the world. You are absolutely the Best!
February 28, 2021
On this day one says, “I live in the Light, I love in the Light, I laugh in the Light. I dance in the Light.” Thanks, Susan.
I am nourished and sustained by the Light, for I AM the Light, I AM the Light… I AM.” #enlightmentpractice.
The Best February EVER!… not without its challenges, but with the consciousness and courage to be honest, vulnerable, compassionate, and strong. Set your compass to Your True North, the direction of your higher power, guiding you in building your New World with every thought, action, and deed… in community, for community because Love is the Action and Peace is the Way.
“At the very bottom of the hardest, most rigid, narrowest, and most asphyxiating consciousness, I struck upon an Almighty Spring that cast me up forthwith into a formless, limitless vast, vibrating with the seeds of a New World.”
~ The Mother ~ Mirra Alfassa