We all know 2020 has been the year when everything changed. We’ve grown beyond what we thought was possible. I want to hear from you- How will you end 2020, and what are you committed to in 2021? I’m Ending 2020 on my own terms. Living every day as if it was my last. 2020 big huge cycle completions. That’s the old story in the old life that I have surrendered, grieved and let go of. Now ready for big, huge gains. I’m drawing up new blueprints. #smashingsuccess
I’m gathering my supporters. Success being a collaborative effort. I’m Ending 2020 on my own terms. I have innovated my self-worth. I’m telling it like it is and I’m refusing to settle for anything less than love. I have paved the path for all who are ready and I AM Holding the Bar High.
I’m Traveling with my inner power. I am the Leading Lady in my life. A new Rite of Passage is before me. I’m living in my Mastery. I’m committed to a higher level of self-respect with unstoppable stamina. Like Elk Medicine, I am rising and I am taking my tribe with me. You know who you are. I’m focusing on what really matters. I’m making love, not war. I’m Claiming the rewards. I’m dancing to the beat of my own drum.