Thriving NOW LLC is a sustainable business model that is focused on Ascended Living which is about the New Spiritual Human Creating Heaven on Earth, free from the past and moving forward with ease into the new 5d reality. It is a communication business featuring public speaking, storytelling, consulting, group coaching, retreats, and private VIP sessions. As the founder of Empower Network, I am building a new generation of women and men who are leading in their self-actualization, thus empowering all into their authentic expression and sovereignty, Inspiring self-healing, self-love, and self-leadership. We are returning to the basics of co-creating the New Earth as embodied, divine beings.
Kornelia teaches metaphysical principles and offers practical tools for emotional processing and healing. She is highly intuitive and tapped into the quantum energy field. Kornelia is tuned into Spirit-Source- God in alignment with the Galactic Center transmitter of divine consciousness. She acts as a clear receiver of divine information and impulses.
Her private vip sessions are about connecting you to your truth and making peace with your past which always includes the invitation to accept your new paradigm role here on this planet, that of becoming the sole authority over your own life as empowered creation. Kornelia’s gifts are working with the shadow, helping people release outdated beliefs, patterns, and habits that keep them stuck. Her specialty is emotional processing and healing of core wounds of the past with all its 3d programing and conditioning. CLICK here for more.
Her VIP online daily membership is designed for you to benefit daily from programs that release you from the past while raising your daily vibration which is key to building a strong spiritual foundation. Claiming your voice and sharing your wisdom with a global online community is both enjoyable and valuable. CLICK here if you would like to sample what the daily messages are about. CLICK here if you are ready to become a member.
Kornelia Stephanie travels the world modeling inner peace. A passionate speaker and author, she shares her messages with a worldwide audience in an electrifying way. Kornelia is available for speaking engagements. CLICK here for more information.
She is the author of the book “Peace, the Flip Side to Anger – How I used my emotions to heal my life and my boy and HOW YOU CAN TOO”..
This book will give you a practical approach to self-healing and empowerment, using your body as a tool to release anger, illness, suppression, and emotion. Every time we get angry about something, there is a truth waiting to be claimed. If you have ever had feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts, feeling not worthy, or the lack of peace within, then this book is for you. The book is filled with practices and tools to release emotions so that you can experience liberation in your body now. It will show you that there is nothing wrong with you and that you have all you need inside to create and live the life of your dreams. The author engages you in a 21-day Peace Practice so you can experience peace and well-being from within. Order your copy from Amazon Now.
Become a Wholeness Practitioner
It’s time to embrace your wholeness and remember who you are. Each person is an acupuncture needle who is making a difference in the body of mother earth. Begin Online with six classes of the “back to basics” on your wholeness journey and complete with a 3-Day Certification Retreat. CLICK here to become a wholeness practitioner.
Divine Heritage Retreats. This year I will be facilitating my 9th retreat. I create and bring together the highest vibrational experience for everyone involved. Sign up right here to put your name on the list. The next retreat is in November 2017, the location to be announced.