Press play and sample the daily messages guiding us in the new paradigm

- Know yourself
- Self knowledge is the highest knowledge
- Open the door to your inner world
- Reprogram yourself daily
- Create your reality
We are all instruments in a grand symphony of sound and vibration, playing melodies yet unheard. It’s essential to maintain purity of thought and speech by focusing on pure thoughts and orchestrating our energy in a direction that emits the sounds, a frequency which will deliver a matching vibration of harmonic resonance back to you.. Each conscious shift of thought creates a shift in vibration. Emotions are energy patterns we use to clear our physical bodies of old, suppressed emotions stuck within the DNA. To clear ourselves, we must be willing to release all emotional charges, bringing ourselves back to neutral. Creative Light Vibration is created to help you stay pure in thought, to raise your vibration, to release your emotional density and to assist you in coming back to your true organic nature which is to live in harmony. To enter any authentic experience it is necessary to embrace our personal experience as our teacher ad not that the world tells us
Basic membership is only $13.00 per month ( for less than 44 cents per day, we are legalizing freedom, and are rocking this world free), sign up for the one time reduced rate at $156.00 $144.00 for the year. Never miss out on raising your daily vibe. In the comfort of your own home.
Because we are expanding by the speed of light, We have So many new gifts to discover and most of all, the celebration of a new relationship with life. The new energies have been called in and are here to support us in our highest expansion – living the new light – giving us the opportunity to experience the immense gifts of our divinity. The diamond light, the platinum rays, are crystallizing, sparkling our DNA so we can express our shiny human-divine selves in very new and passionate ways.
2017 has been an intense year of clearing karmic ancestral completions, releasing of old identities, and for some, moving into deep soul-fulfillment. So much letting go of old ways of relating to life have come to a close and all that is not in alignment with our highest truth has fallen away. We’ve purified our thoughts and neutralized out emotions.
The good thing about this is when we focus our passion on the wealth of abundance that is here inside each and every one of us, we are focusing on the organic template of the Universe, its Infinite abundance, and wealth. As within, so without. As above, so below. The planet has shown us the contrast, the opposite of what we needed to release within ourselves. When the old programming of lack consciousness, illness, disease and, of course, all the emotional core wounding, is once neutralized – to feel it is to heal it– the self now vibrates with the harmonic resonance of the infinite. This day, this week, this moment, we focus on the wealth of abundance that is within us, projecting that energy onto the holographic template.
Because we are expanding by the speed of light, what we focus on will manifest in our reality more quickly now, making our lives easier. When our emotions are in harmony, our desires manifest at the speed of light. Being in the right mood with the right feelings is the guiding force in taking right action. To up the ante on your highest expression, I urge you to begin your 2018 with a clear slate, leaving behind all the unnecessary, heavy baggage that may be distracting you from feeling emotionally happy and healthy and in alignment with your new life. What we do for one we do for all.
The good you’re doing for yourself and the good you’re doing in the world is benefiting us all. On the behalf of the collective, thank you so much for being you. I may not know you personally yet you are on my email list and I thank you for being there. No matter what is happening in your life right now, If you’re reading this know that energetically you are appreciated. I champion you,and I believe in you. You will succeed. In truth you already have, and now the rest is about aligning, allowing and letting go of what is no longer part of your new path. Do you want to move your life from merely surviving to thriving? People want to know how to maintain a positive, proactive vibration, thriving while also releasing old pockets of resistance.
Walking with the shadow bringing those vulnerable spots (or as I call them “valuables”) up to the surface, illuminating our shadow, to love-free the weakest link. This is where our strength lies and how the authentic presence, strong and capable, evolves..
Daily inspirational messages are available each morning allowing you to be proactive in co-creating our new world. These messages are about bringing the new light, the new love, the new consciousness, Specially designed for people who feel called to raise their vibration and shift their subconscious from negative programming to daily messages of light from Source. The more that people listen and participate, awakening to their own authority and their identity as sovereign beings, the greater their sense of homecoming.
Each person discovering what unconditional love is through their own inquiry, through their own experience…… what freedom is and what it means to each person ……what the power of emotions is…… what the power of belief is……what the power of the spoken word is…
according to each person’s individual truth…
These messages will assist people to go within instead of looking outside of themselves for the answer.
They will know what true happiness means because of the experience that we engage them in
Basic Membership benefits. Your Spiritual Gym. Tap into your brilliance.
- We practice together and can share our experience (optionally). Discover the word “abundance” The meaning can only be experienced and told by the experiencer, that is having the experience, and now it becomes a knowing, a truth for you. It becomes you. Otherwise it is just an idea that is outside of you, and someone is the expert on the word — it may as well be YOU.
- Boost your health, vitality and stamina.
- Sharpen your mind and memory.
- Enhance your overall health and well being.
- Become empowered every day.
- Heal your life, your body
- Perfect for the morning commuters proactive
- strengthening your spiritual practice
- interact with online global community.
- quantum activations in support of the new human template
- teleconference calls and energy clearings
What others are saying about the benefits of the daily membership?
It is so exciting to know that each person is taking their own lead, yet working on a common inspiration that benefits the individual and the whole. When we use our energy to connect with others, projecting love and positive vibes, towards ourselves and each other, we will become a unified group. We will also learn from each other in the community, reflecting back and forth what is healing and what is transmuting, with all benefiting and assisting the evolution of humanity.
ALSO a huge benefit. In this online community you will be able to share and list your name and your business identity where others can find you. You are encouraged to share your experiences with others, so all can benefit from your wisdom. You can make friends that you can grow with, and get a deeper connection with, becoming like minded hearts, as we share our cosmic inspirational journey of beaming our lights.
Experience yourself being part of a community where every breath you take benefits the whole. We are frequency emitters, and we are choosing to emit high vibrational living, inspiring and touching heart-based living and thriving communities.
- How do you wish to experience this day?
- How do you wish to experience yourself in the next 9 to ten years?
- As the CEO of your life, what do you envision for yourself?
- As the co-creator of your life, what do you choose to create?
What do you believe?
Our beliefs are just thoughts we think over and over again. Thoughts themselves are powerful if we believe them. It’s the attachment to the thought that creates suffering, that has you making choices based on the conditioning from the past. These are all just programs of negative thought forms that are not true. By being conscious of our thoughts, the words we speak and by actively looking at our unconscious beliefs, we can change them very easily. The golden key is daily practice and discipline.
Speak Your World Into Being
Your one stop shop for Daily Inspiration, Positive Light Activations, and Pure JOY.
- everything at the Free membership level.
- high vibrational leadership.
- embody the spoken word through physical experience.
- daily mp3 inspirational messages posted five days per week.
- two monthly themes integrating the lessons.
- practical tools and tips, to new earth living.
- joyful manifesting. YOU become the expert.
- inspired consciousness.
- practical spirituality from the comfort of your home.
- healing sounds and meditations.
- high-powered light activations.
- connected to TRIBE community through sharing your input.
- living beyond limitations and fears.
- Fully phone/tablet and mobile accessible included in your membership.

Come join our tribe — sign up for less than 50 cents per day — that’s $13.00 per month. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
The light is here to stay. We are the radiant ones, lighting the path, shining and radiating our greatest light. In this new frequency we come together to be the light-beacons — lighthouses for others to see, and what this means is that you will bring your most courageous best self. Come fly with me as we soar like eagles, beaming our light for all to see. Together we are unstoppable. We are thriving. We are the prosperity generation.
Empowering all into their authentic expression and sovereignty. Inspiring self-healing, self-love, self-leadership, self-empowerment. Returning to live in harmony with our true organic nature, finding the joy in co-creating the new earth, as embodied Divine Beings.
Basic membership is only $13.00 per month ( for less than 44 cents per day, we are legalizing freedom, and are rocking this world free), sign up for the one time reduced rate at $156.00 $144.00 for the year. Never miss out on raising your daily vibe. In the comfort of your own home.
Empowering all into their authentic expression and sovereignty. Inspiring self-healing, self-love, self-leadership, self-empowerment. Returning to live in harmony with our true organic nature, finding the joy in co-creating the new earth, as embodied Divine Beings.
The Buddha said. Do not believe anything because it is said by an outside authority or it is said to come from angels, or from Gods, or from an inspired source. Believe it only if you have explored it in your own heart and mind and body and found it to be true.