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This month on planet earth,
The summer solstice,
Heaven on Earth is the call, baby dolls…
within and out, above and below,
the sacred merge is taking place,  the “divine union” within.
Happy Fathers day to all.

Starlight starbright
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may I wish I might
have the wish I wish tonight.

In my dream on June 1, 2015…
I was in a meeting with the highest guides — they were ancient.  We were doing a life review; we talked for a long time; I was told that this part of the spiral walk was now complete, and that the lessons were learned — you are moving up into a new circle of the spiral, a new paradigm.

In the dream, they said I was moving far away, because it is a huge energetic leap from the 4th dimension to the 5 the dimension, and this is not easy.  The whole energetic structure of the of the bodies are being changed and refined to the energies of the 5th dimension (the physical body always the last to catch up).

Shortly thereafter, on 6/3/15 in my sleep, I was feeling the draw of my physical body and woke up with a magnetic pull that had me smiling in bed.  It was a knowing, yet unfamiliar at the same time, that my physical body was being pulled up.

Upon awakening, I am now playing this out in the real world…

The Summer,  6/21/2015 solstice.
We begin our new month in the sign of Cancer.  Cancer is about our home — the most meaningful to me!
It also represents our inner home.  It’s all about emotional safety and security, and also about our nest and our family.
It’s about our planet earth, as mother earth is also our home.  This beloved planet nurtures us with great food and abundance.
The Cancer energy is about emotional connection and nurturing, the self and each other.

The lease of where I live is just about complete, after two years of living here.  I am moving temporally to a bed and breakfast, where I am going to be completely in alignment with the energy of home and nurturing, feeling safe and secure in giving and receiving in balance.  I will be enjoying and prizing the connection of friendship, love, and home.

This last past week alone, the changes that I am making in my life are bold, big, and enormous:

  • I am moving my household, and selling everything, to start new again.
  • Another huge change is with my website — building a whole new look — and the way I do my business will also change and expand which necessitated signing up with and moving to a new server that will be able to handle the incoming traffic.

My business is now in full alignment with the energy of success in every area of my life.  This was not so when I started out this week — when I dove deep into “what is the meaning of success” and found myself looking at the energy of self-sabotage and the behaviors that keep the victim idle again.  I was faced with wanting to give up.  I was faced with feeling the loss of the old.  I was faced with seeing the victim in me again and not knowing if I had the energy to rise up again — the feeling of defeat was too large.

Many people experience success by releasing old limiting beliefs of failure, sabotaging behaviors, surrendering the energy of defeat and loss.  In releasing the fear of being successful, the human-being is embracing success on all levels: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and material.

No matter what shows up in my life, I am responsible and I will never ever give up.

‘Hit me with your best shot.’

The truth is that I am already a success.

What I have overcome is nothing short of a miracle over and over again.

Joseph Campbell calls this The Hero’s Journey, and yes, I am the hero in my own life.  Thank you to my support team.

I am now looking forward to cleaning out all the drawers; every nook and cranny will now be examined with the full awareness of home and what I value.

Beginning my new life — building a new foundation.

As I say goodbye to the old and hello to the new in full partnership with my divinity…
Living my dream,
Inspired with creative brilliance,
building a prosperous material foundation for the greater good of all.
I AM aligned with the energy of abundance and I celebrate this victory!

My success is your success, it ripples out to the quantum field, it raises the vibration.
Your success is my success, it replies out to the quantum field it raises the vibrations.
I Am-We are a success!