Aloha –Kauai speaks, My body is not a storage facility, my body is sacred land. Aloha –Kauai speaks, Nature uncensored through Kornelia Stephanie My body is not a storage facility. My body…
I was interviewed by Girl Warrior productions and I was asked to answer the question of what makes me a girl warrior. In the movie, “Wonder Woman”, Gal Gadot had…
Listen by pressing the Play button or download the MP3 file (9MB). Make Peace your new habit. Release everything that is not in harmony with your true nature. Create your best life now. …
Peace on Earth, Heaven on Earth. Here now. A Letter of reflection, by Steven Dinan. I was raised Christian, became an atheist for six years, and then, as I awakened…
It was December 4th, 2013 when I was summoning my inner queen. It was then when I wrote the following post, four years ago today. Free Falling into my JOY~~~~~Looking…
This is November 21, 2017. Exactly 4 years ago, November 21, 2013, I wrote this: Living my core freedom, free falling into my JOY, looking through the eyes of my infinite…
Louise Hay, the Godmother of love, slips away peacefully in her sleep on August the 30, 2017. She died of natural causes. Her famous words, “I’m beautiful and everybody loves…