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No matter where you are there you are and depending on if you have been on the path for a long time or if you just waking up our collective experience is feeling like a global dark night of the soul….
Everybody I talk to right now is feeling deep discomfort, challenged by old beliefs, in relationships and challenged by perceived limitations,  lack of freedom or not being happy inside.  Many people are challenged healthwise or activated  by the dwindling resources, money being tight, and the soul is talking to us.


The soul …..Knock knock,

Who are you? and how to do you want to live your life?

People are feeling the collective Grief; the whole — the world is in deep mourning, grieving itself, the loss of a dying world.

We as a collective are completing–
poverty, war, struggle, enslavement, dis-ease, lies, limitations, doubt, fear, distractions. That’s a lot of energy that is out in the field, and many people are super sensitive empaths feeling this grief, absorbing it into their bodies and processing it for the whole. You can’t rush grief, allow yourself once and for all to feel the deep sadness of loss. The loss of a world you once loved relationships that fell apart because they don’t honor the truth of who you are.

Stop expecting yourself to put on a shiny face so that you don’t make someone else uncomfortable seeing you grieve. Being Human is giving yourself permission to feel. Grief is a natural part of life and is a very liberating experience for the human soul. There is something empowering to allow yourself to feel like shit, get comfortable licking your wounds, living with your heart broken open. Remember this; You can’t rush grief; it’s even ok to be grieving for long periods of time and don’t rush yourself through or should on yourself to be over this by now because on thing is for sure grief has it’s own schedule and it does not rely on what another person thinks.

By being vulnerable and naked fully capable of embracing all the cracks within the inner being with nothing to cover up and hide you have the courage now to transcend those fears that grief into liberation and make peace with your past forgive everything all the places within where you feel you failed. Allow yourself this natural wonder your body knows when all the wounds, all the grief has naturally moved, though. At the core of your being is love and now you get to bring that unconditional love into all those open cracks. Nature is a wonderful healing salve for grief, go out into the woods and allow the great mother.. nature to heal and nurture your grieving heart.
From my own experience with many dark nights of the soul I have gotten good at grieving and realizing this is part of being human, feeling deeply all the feelings that we as humans get to feel, the pain, the suffering the bliss, all of it. This has been a huge problem for many people who are on anti- depressants and prescription medication. Allways in search of covering something up what is a natural part of our humanity. Feeling emotions and feelings. Instead of being labeled as depressed, or by polar or some other disease.

Write yourself your own prescription;
A Grieving Human, with a broken heart, I feel like closing in on myself, and I am exhausted from all this bullshit. I am going to take my time to allow all of this to move through me so don’t rush me. I will take many naps and allow myself to go for lazy walks in nature. I will give myself permission to eat the ice cream and watch movies that evoke the tear machine in my body. I will give myself permission to allow my body to move in harmony with nature. You can check in on me from time to time to see if I want to talk  and if I do don’t be in a hurry cause I may have a lot to say and a clock watcher is not going to help.

P.S. Possible side effects, Spontaneous laughter, spontaneous healings on all dimensions in all time frames, spontaneous awakenings from pure beingness…..

Feeling it is healing it.

The storm will pass, I promise, and you will feel better more whole than you remember. Once the grief passes you will feel lighter, don’t be in a hurry you only have today.

You feel like participating in life again, I promise.