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Ascended Living and Thriving in the NEW EARTH.

This was the quote underneath my email signature….2007

You can have anything and everything, even a whole new world to live in.

At first this was just in my imagination and now it has become my reality.

Believing it into being.

Then doing the actual inner work to birth the new earth and bring it into the physical.


Birth the new earth with every choice, with every emotion, with every thought. After all the undoing, releasing and letting go there is new life, new birth, new visions and new choices.

My life’s work has been about undoing all the old conditioning, old programming, old beliefs, about releasing the lies and limitations as I began to love each and every part of myself back into wholeness. In my own transformation, I processed the entire universe through my physical body, healing my deepest core wounds and embracing the shadow, the parts of me that have never been accepted and loved. By healing our own shadow, we heal the collective shadow as well.  Today it is hard for me to imagine that I ever, ever had a thought that was attached to a belief, that was attached to an emotion, that I was not good enough and that I used to make choices that reflected that belief. Through this deep inner unveiling and love for self, I achieved mastery over my life, taking full responsibility for everything in it.

It’s comforting to know that we are on track with our evolution and that we are all doing the same thing, walking each other home.

When does the pain stop? after you feel to heal and release the old energy, layer by layer, the pain will stop. You then move into a neutral space with your being. The wounded child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life, has now been loved and nurtured by you. The wounded ego has learned to let go of control and trusts the higher self to be lead from the heart. The victim, after many lifetimes of dedicated service work and slavery, has been retired and is now free. The addict is no longer looking for something to numb or fill a void, as the addict now has chosen to fill itself with radical- self-love. Nothing else will do. The Wounded Child, The Wounded Ego, The Victim and The Addict are no longer playing parts in your movie.

The authentic self ……is self realized.

From Super Soldiers to Super Love Avatars,

The New Spiritual- Human Love Protocol:

  • release all negative thoughts and feelings
  • feel to heal
  • grieve your emotions fully, taking your time
  • speak your truth, communicate your boundaries
  • use your anger as a tool to liberate yourself
  • practice the art of letting go for most ease
  • reprogram yourself everyday with positivity
  • let go of control
  • command, invoke, intend the new way
  • refuse to judge anyone, look in the mirror
  • up your daily self love practice
  • love the wounded child and wounded ego free
  • retire the victim and the addict
  • process your fears into love
  • take full responsibility and ownership for everything
  • re-claim your sovereign self empowerment
  • connect with nature, your angels and source daily
  • see the gift you are, see the gift life is
  • shine BRIGHT, spread your love
  • joy for the greater good of all
  • create the world you want to live in
  • Kornelia Stephanie IAM Infinite possibilities.