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I am calling us to dress rehearsal.   “Dress to the Nines” in 2016
The Cosmic number Nine Compassion and Universal love for all
The human beings embodying the number nine adhere to the principal of Universal love and compassion.


We are welcoming 2016 with love, readiness, and wholeness.
Universal love for all.
2016 adds up to a number Nine! We are embodying the Number Nine, this year!
Through our experience of What Is™ the vibration of the Number Nine?  Join our private network membership here

We will only know the answer through our individual experiences of the embodiment of what the nine means. How we show up in relationship to the meaning of what nine means to us, individually and collectively. This is a Universal call for us all.

This is what we are diving into this month and year.
Did you know that the Number Nine is an Introvert and is also the Hermit in the Tarot Card?
The number nine is about completions of the end of a cycle.
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”        ~ John 8: 32


Many people will feel withdrawn.  Drawn to go inside.
Spirit will ask you to go inside and harmonize all that is unbalanced.
To bring into completion, the wisdom gained from life and all your experiences. Going inside to tend to your inner garden for meditation and quiet, listen to your soul speak. Ask your soul what it needs and wants. Ask your body what it needs and wants.

Give yourself time when you need time alone. It’s normal to do that. You need to give yourself space for integration and alone time when spirit is communicating with you. Open yourself up for communicating by listening..  Another form of  communication is listening not talking.

There will be many changes. The goal of the nine is universal love for all. As you can see, we have a lot of work. Nothing your love can’t impact. Your love is so great; your heart is so big, and that is the curtain call of this universal love play.

The one thing that is certain is that we are in for enormous changes. This is not to be feared. Change is the only constant in the Universe. We have the infinite capacity to handle it. We are ready for the changes;

We want Peace!

Peace is Power!

Can I get a witness?

The mantra for this year is.

“We Embrace change with ease and grace”.

Speak it out loud, so your body can hear you. So the cells in your body can hear you. So the Universe can hear you are not in resistance and now you will experience more ease and flow.  One thing is for sure it may not be comfortable. Humans don’t like to be uncomfortable.

Change is not about being in our comfort zone; it is about stepping outside of it and expanding into our greatness. If you fear change take a look at what about change scares you and process that fear that illusion.  Sit down and make a list of the fears and in my next blog I will send out the art of processing fear right out of your life.
The Miracle of Unity Consciousness transcends all fears and overcomes all obstacles with a wondrous result; an experience of pure love and freedom.”

This year of 2016 we are saying yes, to change, we want change individually and collectively. We are going for fulfillment in all areas of our lives.  We all want the same thing.  Freedom to live here on this planet in peace and harmony.
Soaring Spirituality, Vibrant Health, Supportive Loving Relationships, Fulfilling purposeful career all rooted in love. The time for financial prosperity is bringing the spiritual into the material. The spiritual had to come first. I will write about his a lot more in upcoming blogs for now.

The cosmic nine takes our curiosity now. Getting intimate with the cosmic nine is what this year will be about. The number nine is about completion; what you are longing to complete and receiving the fulfillment of that completion. Moving that completion into expansion. Shedding all the old patterns, habits, limitations, feeling complete with all of that that has come to pass.

“At first, people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, and then they begin to hope that it can be done, then they see it can be
done, then it is done, and all the world wonders why it was not done
centuries ago.” -Frances Hodgson Burnett

We as a collective are completing–
poverty, war, struggle, enslavement, dis-ease, lies, limitations, doubt, fear, distractions. For all that choose to let that part be complete in their/our life.  The light is here to stay, and the light will prevail, and that is the humanitarian energy of the number nine.   What in your life are you completing? What about addictions? Are you ready to retire the addict? What about the wounded ego, are you ready to love it free? Freeing yourselves from your addictions and letting go of old habits, patterns, and beliefs that are not the truth of who you are at the core of your being.

What about judgment?  Are you ready to let go of judgment of good and bad, of right and wrong.  Are you ready to let go of judging yourself and others.  Another one of those human behaviors to retire.  Replace judgment with compassion and understanding.

The cosmic nine is about letting go and expanding the truth.
It is about expanding out into the larger cycle. It is about being in fulfillment of the larger cycles of time and it’s grand design.

With this grand design of completion look at it from a soul level, what are you longing to complete? Every single human being on this planet is affected by this vibration. Ask to be shown if you do not know and don’t fret it you have not seen it yet. YOU will. It’s happening. The number nine is so mysteries it asks that you shine the light for others. It asks that you “Be” rather than trying to “Be”.

The light is the light it shines and knows it’s the light.


The Nine vibration asks that you “Be” rather than trying to “Be”.
Take a look at this video of the number nine.

Thank you to all of you. 12/31/15 This expression of love and gratitude goes out to all the path pavers, to all the way showers, to all the role models, and to all the healers, who are being the examples, believing and birthing of a new earth. I want to thank all the mothers who are birthing the new babies. Thank you to all the conscious folks awakening and being great. Thank you to all the unseen supporting the divine plan in all it’s glory. Thank you to my friends who have held me when I needed holding. Thank you for the ones that triggered in me my anger and powerlessness, so I can rise and shine brighter and be stronger. Thank you for all of you devoted to love, God, truth and light. Thank you to Mother Earth for your beauty. To all the Lightworkers, for their continued willingness to clear and hold the new frequency of light so we can birth the new — this path has not been easy and goes without saying how many times we have been brought to our knees and surrendering ourselves to spirit. I want to thank you for not giving up, and not allowing anything to stand in the way of you claiming your sovereignty and freedom. It has all been worth it every bit of energy that has been devoted to it! I celebrate our victory and now for heaven sakes let’s have friggin fun. Putting all our new structures down beaming our lights as bright as we can so that the ones that are now waking up—– can us and see how cool and how fun, how great being light really is.

Join our Private Network Membership.

I created the What Is™Game  — a higher dimensional portal — so we would have it easy to reprogram ourselves with positive new messages daily, by allowing all the old beliefs old negative feelings to come up and transcend through our experience.  It is there for you, come in and JOIN US.  Sign up now, feeling confident to stay on track, being your authority and re-programming yourself daily, positively-positive.

Our thoughts are transmissions so keep your focus and thoughts positive.We speak the world into being with the Power of our words.  Do your words match what your are creating?  Do your words reflect the highest truth?  Make sure that your words match your music.  If you would like to go deeper into the energy of nine and the new earth consciousness.  Join our private network membership. 

Your beloved Kornelia
The source of the “We consciousness of the Universe

#Peace love liberty for all

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